PVNC Catholic seeking community input into Directional Policy - Safe and Accepting Schools

Updated on May 27, 2024

We thank all community members for providing us with valuable feedback during the consultation process, which will help us refine Directional Policy 900 - Safe and Accepting Schools.

Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.

This Directional Policy will be presented to the Policy Development Committee on June 4, 2024 and and will be presented to Trustees for final approval during the June 25, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.

Original Post

The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board is seeking public consultation on the renewal of its Directional Policy 900 - Safe and Accepting Schools.

This Directional Policy is up for renewal as part of the Board’s regular policy review schedule.


  • The purpose of the Safe and Accepting Schools Directional Policy is to create a shared understanding and systematic approach to the implementation of Safe and Accepting School procedures and protocols. The Safe and Accepting Schools Directional Policy responds to legislative requirements for school boards in the areas of equity and inclusive education; bullying prevention and intervention; progressive discipline and promoting positive student behaviour; codes of conduct; suspension/expulsion; anti-sex trafficking; emergency preparedness; safe arrivals; and visitors to schools.


Directional policies signal the major intentions and priorities of the elected board. They are few in number and broad in scope. Directional policies signal long-term institutional commitments to student achievement and well-being, to values, and to fairness.

Administrative procedures, which are a mechanism to implement the policies of the elected board, are specific, detailed and focused and must align with the directional policy under which they sit.

The following administrative procedures support Directional Policy 900 - Safe and Accepting Schools and can be viewed here.

  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 901: Safe Arrivals
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 902: Visitors to Schools
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 903: Police School Board Protocol
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 904: Lockdown Procedures
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 905: Bomb Threat Procedures
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 906: Bullying Prevention and Intervention
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 907: Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocol
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 908: Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 909 : Code of Conduct
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 910: Suspension, Expulsion, and Appeal
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 911: Mandated Alternate Educational Settings
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 912: Supporting Positive Student Behaviour: Safety for All
  • PVNC Administrative Procedure 913: Delegation of Authority

Have Your Say - Directional Policy 900 Safe and Accepting Schools

We encourage you to review Directional Policy 900 - Safe and Accepting Schools in its entirety (available in the documents section to the right) and provide feedback using the short survey provided below.

The consultation period will be open until May 24, 2024.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide feedback as we work together to achieve our PVNC Catholic Vision: Creating a culture of faith, hope and love to ensure equity and well-being.