Board of Trustees approve renewed PVNC Catholic Transportation Directional Policy

Updated on Dec. 20, 2023

We thank all stakeholders for providing us with valuable feedback during the consultation process as we updated our Transportation Directional Policy.

During the consultation period we had more than 700 unique visitors to our project landing page and 90 individuals provided feedback through our survey or Q & A tools.

Consultation feedback and data was presented to the Trustees during the Dec. 5, 2023 Policy Development Committee.

During the Dec. 19, 2023 Regular Board meeting, Trustees voted in favour of the following motion:

  • That the revised Directional Policy #1300, Student Transportation, omitting the changes to eligibility for grades 1-3, be received and posted and that the general parameters be moved to AP #1301, Student Eligibility.

What does this mean?

There will be no change to the transportation eligibility criteria at this time. The Board of Trustees opted to move the eligibility criteria section of the Transportation Directional Policy to Administrative Procedure 1301 - Student Eligibility, which is scheduled for renewal in 2026.

The Board will be moving forward with the opt-in process for all families (see background below). This change will affect all eligible families who will need to opt-in to busing prior to the beginning of each school year starting before the 2024-2025 school year. We will be working with our transportation consortium and providers to ensure that families are provided with ample time and information about that new process prior to the start of each school year.

We have also added language into the Directional Policy with respect to active school travel.

The new updated Directional Policy and the edited Administrative Procedure 1301 can be viewed in the documents section.

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